Teddington RFC

Teddington Rugby is the leading community rugby club in Teddington. Based since the early 1970’s in the picturesque setting of Bushy Park, Teddington Rugby is a thriving, successful club, run for and by the people of Teddington and surrounding areas.

Our recently extended clubhouse and playing pitches are in Bushy Park, hence the "Antlers" cry of our supporters, and we run a range of Men's, Women's, Junior Boys, Junior Girls and Minis sides, plus thriving Touch Rugby and Vets sections. In all over 2,000 members from the local community are Teddington Rugby.

As we have grown, additional space for playing and training is key, and as a club fundamentally embedded in Teddington, we have consistently expressed a desire for the playing fields to be open for wider public and community use. We have a short-term lease from the current owners covering a third of the site for our mid-week training and have appointed Tennis 4 Teddington to operate the tennis courts and bring that facility into community use. We share the same vision as Jonathan Dunn – to make this a true community resource and centre for sport and recreation and fully endorse and support the community bid.

As mentioned above, Quantum have notified Richmond Council that they intend to sell the site and have triggered an ‘Asset of Community Value’ disposal process (similar to The Park Stables in Teddington) which gives a 6 month window for community orientated groups to bid for the site. Businesses can also bid, and there is no requirement to sell to a community group, however, we as a club have always believed that UPR should be a site open for community use. It has been historically underused and offers the opportunity for TRFC to continue to grow and develop as a club.

The Plan

The Plan

The plan for the rejuvenation of Udney Park as a community sports project



The history of Udney Park and how we got from War Memorial Ground funded by a War Charity and the RFU to where we are now.