Why it is important that the community playing fields are retained

The proposed mid-September meeting between the Foundation and the representatives of the new owners of Udney Park has been postponed so there is no real progress to report. Concerns have become heightened that another commercial venture is envisaged as it the BVI-registered company that apparently owns Udney Park changed its name from Rich Creation to Leisure Focus in July 2022. The company is owned by a Mr Wu from the Peoples Republic of China and as things stand his intentions remain opaque.

It is perhaps worth reminding everyone why retaining the community playing fields at Udney Park is so important.

Following the success of the Lionesses at the European championships there was to have been a parliamentary debate in mid-September led by our local MP, Munira Wilson, on the participation of girls and young women in sport. Unfortunately, this cancelled due to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Munira had asked for some testimonials from the Thamesians women’s team to reference in the debate and I am including five of these below as they are all powerful statements on the positive impact of the playing of women’s rugby has had at Thamesians.

Statement 1

‘Rugby and especially Thamesians has had such a positive impact on my life. It keeps me fit and active whilst also being so much fun. I feel very lucky to have found my team and the incredible people I play with’

Statement 2

‘Sport has given me a reason to be healthy. It’s given me a goal to work towards and a massive group of women who are all so different but all support and encourage each other to do their best’

Statement 3

‘I’m 25 years old and have been playing rugby since I was 19. I’m 6ft1 and 85kg, and for the first 19 years of my life I hated the way I looked, felt, and I had no confidence and no motivation. I found rugby as a way of making some new friends and enjoying a run around while doing so. To say it changed my life is an understatement. Women’s sport is special, because it brings a group of people who face similar challenges in day-to-day life together, and provides a safe space, a place of encouragement and love, and lights a fire within people who didn’t realise they had it. Being around women who were praised for having different body types has skyrocketed my confidence. I feel empowered in my life outside of sport, knowing the things I’ve accomplished and my worth. I’ve also made a special group of friends for life, some incredible memories (minus a few injuries), and I cannot express how grateful I am for it.’

Statement 4

‘Having relocated to London for work age 24, and not knowing a soul, sport and in particular rugby had a huge positive impact in creating a new community and support network. I had not played rugby before but found a welcoming bunch of women of all ages, sizes, demographics, and skill sets; and felt instantly at ease. I have continued to play for the past 6 years and created true friends in which I social with outside of sport and consider to be my family away from home. I would highly recommend young women to participate in sport, not only for the mental and physical benefits, but for the skill set it creates for life.’ 

Statement 5

‘As an adult, I was dragged out of my old comfort zone and into a new one. Rugby! Rugby gave me amazing friends and a much healthier lifestyle. I found things I love doing at the gym, a great use for my overactive brain and that challenge and ambition come in different forms - if it’s a positive opportunity I try to always say yes. I’ve developed my communication and leadership skills, learnt to appreciate my opinion and that it’s a valid one, and that empowering those in your world is a great way to give back.’

Thamesians have now had to move playing fields three times in five years as previous facilities have fallen out of use. As such they are typical of the type of club that the Foundation represents.

Other recent news

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Political momentum for a CPO growing

Posted on 2nd Jul 2024

Political momentum for a CPO growing

The Udney Park Trust have released a ‘press release’ updating everyone on the momentum gathering for a CPO of the fields at Udney Park. Local hustings were held as a prelude to this week’s general election and the Trust raised a question regarding the future of the site. It was confirmed at the hustings that there was universal support for a CPO from all parties.

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Posted on 7th Jun 2024

The tragedy of the War Memorial Pavilion has been revealed by arial photos taken by residents. These reveal that under the ownership of Mr Wu the building has fallen into such disrepair as to render future renovation work hugely expensive. The project had been to bring the changing rooms back into early use for the community clubs playing on these fields. There were relatively new boilers and heating systems installed just before Imperial College sold the site. The building interior had been dry – even if the changing rooms needed to be brought up to modern standards.

Alternative bid submitted for Udney Park playing fields.

Alternative bid submitted for Udney Park playing fields.

Posted on 7th Jun 2024

It is hugely disappointing to report that Udney park is now under offer from another group of investors headed up by local resident, Keith Williams.

Udney Park is an Asset of Community Value, defined in the Localism Act (2011) as "Land is an asset of community value if its main use is to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community." The Localism Act states that ‘social interests’ include cultural, recreational and sporting interests