Udney Park Playing Fields declared an Asset of Community Value

In the latest move in the long-running Udney Park Playing Fields saga, Richmond Council has approved the Teddington Society’s recent nomination of the Park as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). This follows on from the soon-expiring original ACV and will give Udney Park a further five years’ protection.

Quantum, current owner of the site, has advised the Council of its intention to sell – but due to the site’s ACV status it cannot now be sold to anyone but a Community Interest Group during the next six months. Such groups, principally community sports, are now advising the Council of their interest and intention to bid.

Udney Park Playing Fields have already been designated a Local Green Space and Teddington Society members will recall the long, expensive Public Inquiry in 2020 which (based on their recreational, ecological and heritage value to the community) unequivocally ruled that the fields were not suitable for any residential development. Recently Richmond Council firmly re-stated its planning advice as “very strong in terms of protecting Udney Park”.

The range of protection now in place will be a significant deterrent against any potential commercial interest in the site.

“We are pleased that our ACV request has been successful, and we hope this will contribute to all of the Udney Playing Fields soon becoming accessible for community sport” said Keith Atkinson, who heads our Planning Group.

Other recent news

Foundation submit bid to Mr Wu and support in Parliament

Foundation submit bid to Mr Wu and support in Parliament

Posted on 6th Feb 2024

I have now attended two positive meetings with Mr Wu’s representatives, together with my fellow trustee, Philip Barnes. The most recent meeting was the week before last. An offer to purchase the fields has been submitted. More information has been requested. The Foundation is providing an executive summary as to why the land should be sold, in order that Mr Wu’s representatives can go back with to Mr Wu with a recommendation. This submission will go in this week.

The second meeting was also attended by our local MP, Munira Wilson, who made several robust statements in support of the bid. Munira left all attendees in no doubt as to her position. Her position has also been set out in Parliament on more than one occasion, most recently as link below.


Discussions on purchase of fields due to commence

Discussions on purchase of fields due to commence

Posted on 27th Sep 2023

The ACV for the sale for Udney Park playing fields was finally triggered on 15th September 2023, when the owners formally confirmed to LBRUT that they intended to sell the fields. A moratorium of six months now commences during which time the fields can only be sold to a Community Interest Company (CIC).

Foundation to submit bid AND receives a mention in parliament.

Foundation to submit bid AND receives a mention in parliament.

Posted on 14th Jul 2023

Confirmation of the sale of Udney Park playing fields was confirmed in the local press igniting hopes that the fields can be returned to community use https://teddingtontown.co.uk/2023/07/06/teddingtons-udney-park-playing-fields-back-on-the-market/

The Foundation have contacted the representatives of Mr Wu in order to put in motion an offer for the purchase of the playing fields. The site is designated as an ACV, and is currently under a moratorium which prevents the sale of the land to anyone other than a Community Interest Company (CIC) for a six month period.