Udney Park latest update

By way of update my conversations with the new owners continue. We met again on Friday and inspected the inside of the pavilion building. Mr Wu’s representatives are now acutely aware (if they were not before) of the impact of recent vandalism, and I have made some suggestions on how to put in place security arrangements and roof repairs.

It needs to be remembered that Mr Wu has only been in ownership of Udney Park for 3 months, and that most of this damage occurred under Quantum’s period of ownership. Nonetheless there has been a radical deterioration to the structure of pavilion due to water ingress, and I think everyone acknowledges the urgency of the situation.

About a third of the site remains leased to Teddington RFC for floodlight training. Under this arrangement Teddington RFC are maintaining boundaries and cutting the grass, so everyone will have already have seen improvements.

I will report back when I have more meaningful news, but can only repeat that the plans tabled by Mr Wu’s representatives very much accommodate the aims of the Foundation. Mr Wu’s advisers also are very clear on the planning restrictions that apply to this site, and continue to state that they have absolutely no intention to build houses.


I can understand the anger surrounding Udney Park but at least the new owner of this land is engaging positively with the Foundation – which is a radical improvement after seven years of total disconnect between the community and Quantum.

Other recent news

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Political momentum for a CPO growing

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Political momentum for a CPO growing

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Pavilion Building allowed to fall apart

Pavilion Building allowed to fall apart

Posted on 7th Jun 2024

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Alternative bid submitted for Udney Park playing fields.

Posted on 7th Jun 2024

It is hugely disappointing to report that Udney park is now under offer from another group of investors headed up by local resident, Keith Williams.

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