The council responds – and the news is disappointing

Paul Chadwick of LBRUT has responded to the recent letter from the Foundation and the contents of his communication is disappointing. Please follow this link to view the contents of Pauls letter.

This letter confirms that a deal is being discussed with an alternative bidder behind closed doors at the council offices, without any community engagement, or indeed engagement with local elected representatives. The Foundation has responded correcting Mr Chadwick on a number of points and requesting an immediate meeting, rather than wait another six months as he proposes to do. This link allows you to read this response.

All of this leaves the playing fields in limbo as another ACV period approaches in a couple of weeks’ time. An ACV is intended to encourage engagement with a qualified CIC. The Foundation remains the only qualified CIC with a funded proposal. An ACV requires that the "the main use (of Udney Park) is further the social well-being of the community’. It is difficult to see how this is going to be advanced by Mr Chadwick and his council colleagues engaging with a pre-applicant who is non-qualifying in ACV terms, and who is proposing a development with only ‘some degree of public benefit’

The aim of the Foundation remains to purchase the fields in order to guarantee them in perpetuity for the playing of community sport. Contrary to the statements of Mr Chadwick, Udney Park playing fields were open for hire and use by community clubs and schools before the sale of the land to AHH.

Regarding powers of enforcement, the Foundation will seek advice on what action might be possible to ensure that the fields and the pavilion are not allowed to deteriorate at an accelerating pace. Hopefully a Public Space Protection Order or similar might focus minds, rather than the continuing denial that the grounds are deteriorating

In the meantime I will keep everyone updated via this website should a meeting be convened and any advances made.

Other recent news

Political momentum for a CPO growing

Political momentum for a CPO growing

Posted on 2nd Jul 2024

Political momentum for a CPO growing

The Udney Park Trust have released a ‘press release’ updating everyone on the momentum gathering for a CPO of the fields at Udney Park. Local hustings were held as a prelude to this week’s general election and the Trust raised a question regarding the future of the site. It was confirmed at the hustings that there was universal support for a CPO from all parties.

Pavilion Building allowed to fall apart

Pavilion Building allowed to fall apart

Posted on 7th Jun 2024

The tragedy of the War Memorial Pavilion has been revealed by arial photos taken by residents. These reveal that under the ownership of Mr Wu the building has fallen into such disrepair as to render future renovation work hugely expensive. The project had been to bring the changing rooms back into early use for the community clubs playing on these fields. There were relatively new boilers and heating systems installed just before Imperial College sold the site. The building interior had been dry – even if the changing rooms needed to be brought up to modern standards.

Alternative bid submitted for Udney Park playing fields.

Alternative bid submitted for Udney Park playing fields.

Posted on 7th Jun 2024

It is hugely disappointing to report that Udney park is now under offer from another group of investors headed up by local resident, Keith Williams.

Udney Park is an Asset of Community Value, defined in the Localism Act (2011) as "Land is an asset of community value if its main use is to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community." The Localism Act states that ‘social interests’ include cultural, recreational and sporting interests