June update on the purchase of Udney Park

The ACV period for Udney Park ends in mid-August. Dialogue with Savills (the agent employed by AHH/ Quantum to sell the land) has continued and been both professional and cordial throughout. The ACV does not compel Quantum to sell to the Community Bid, or indeed to sell at all, and in line with this Savill’s have issued a sales brochure to other potential bidders. This is something that they notified the Community Bid that they would be doing so comes as no surprise.

The reaction of residents to this can be found on the following link: Teddington groups react to new brochure advertising Udney Park playing fields to developers

The local MP, Munira Wilson has also responded to the attempt to sell to a speculative developer: Teddington MP reacts to Udney Park playing fields being advertised for sale

Behind all this furore serious conversations continue and once Savill’s have market feedback, the intention is to hopefully find a price that is both palatable to AHH/ Quantum and their investors, but at the same time is reasonable and affordable from the perspective of the Community Bid. The best guess is that meaningful engagement between the Community Bid and Savills should be able to take place in mid-July.

In the meantime, a Masterplan has been developed for the sporting use of Udney Park so that if a sale is agreed upon, we are ready to go ahead as quickly as possible. Already some highly motivated and energetic volunteers have stepped forward to help manage the Operating Company, and there is a real enthusiasm among the local sports clubs that maybe this may all become a reality. This will be at the perfect time as we come out of the pandemic and there is a real focus on both physical and mental health.

There have also been some exciting conversations with local charities about how the Udney Park Community Trust could contribute beyond simply sport. A refurbished pavilion that retains its historical heritage can hopefully provide the space to put some of these ideas into practice.

Updates will continue to be posted via this news section.

Other recent news

The Foundation receives support from both Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, Fulham FC Foundation

The Foundation receives support from both Brentford FC Community Sports Trust, Fulham FC Foundation

Posted on 8th Aug 2024

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Lee Doyle, CEO of Brentford FC CST

"The Brentford FC Community Sports Trust aims to deliver exciting, progressive and socially inclusive multi-sports participation, coach education and facility development programmes, enabling participants, coaches and volunteers to realise their potential through community sport. The Trust supports the aims of the Udney Park Community Fields Foundation to buy and run these precious playing fields in Teddington"

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Political momentum for a CPO growing

Posted on 2nd Jul 2024

Political momentum for a CPO growing

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Pavilion Building allowed to fall apart

Posted on 7th Jun 2024

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